Category «Bathhouse, sauna, hamam»

What is better, more healthy, hammam or sauna

Хамам vs сауна

Hygiene is an essential aspect of everyone’s life and the foundation of their health. For centuries, cultures around the world have developed self-care practices and body cleanliness as a preventive measure against various illnesses. Across the globe, you can find public and private facilities for these practices under various names: sauna, hammam, and more. While …

Sauna backrests: purpose and description

Подспинники для бани

In modern saunas, the lower backrest has become an essential element of the interior. This design feature migrated from well-appointed Finnish saunas to the “Russian bathhouses.” Many people desire to enhance their sauna experience with a comfortable lower backrest. In this article, we will discuss how to choose a lower backrest for your sauna and …