Indoor Plants: Names and Photos with Descriptions

Indoor Plants as houseplants are highly popular. They bring coziness, beauty, and benefits to homes, seamlessly integrating into various modern interiors, making them more vibrant and airy.

Indoor Plants

This article compiles and organizes the most well-known and appealing home plants based on various criteria. This will help readers determine which indoor plant aligns with their preferences.

To read a more detailed article about your favorite flower, click on the plant’s name (subheading).

The Most Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants

Sometimes, one really wants to create a touch of nature in their living space. However, many refrain from this idea due to a lack of time and desire to care for plants. On the other hand, there’s a vast array of indoor plants that require minimal attention.


The most versatile houseplant is the ficus. It comes in a vast array of varieties, species, and forms. Ficuses can be miniature, not exceeding 15-20 centimeters, while others grow into several-meter-tall trees with flowers and fruits.



A highly popular plant for offices, cafes, and shopping centers. It’s so undemanding that it doesn’t require special lighting or temperature conditions. Simply remember to water it once a day.



A long-time resident on household windowsills. This perennial, drought-resistant plant accumulates moisture and essential elements in its voluminous leaves for its own sustenance. Additionally, aloe is used in households and industries to produce cosmetic and medicinal products.



A very beautiful plant with vibrant leaves (ranging from pale green to red) that doesn’t thrive in bright light and prefers to dwell in shade and at a moderate temperature.



An incredibly undemanding plant with purple flowers. It only requires minimal watering. It’s comfortable at temperatures ranging from 15 to 18 degrees Celsius and can travel with its owner from home to the countryside in its pot.



A beautiful plant that feels comfortable in any lighting conditions and can withstand temperatures down to 12 degrees Celsius. Asparagus is very easy to care for – water it and repot it into a slightly larger container no more than once a year.



Legends abound about this plant, claiming it’s very delicate, requires a lot of attention, and can wilt if touched frequently. In reality, the elegant impatiens bush has very simple desires: shade and water. It doesn’t require anything else from humans.


Trailing Indoor Plants

Vines and ivies that climb the walls inside rooms create an incredibly beautiful effect. The home is filled with lightness and freshness. With trailing plants, you can create a real paradise in your dwelling.


A plant that rapidly sends out aerial roots to any pole or mesh and densely covers its designated area with enormous, uniquely carved leaves.



Cissus is a decorative cultivated plant from the grape family, native to tropical islands. With its tendrils, cissus clings to supports and spreads across them. The clear advantage of this trailing plant is that it blooms year-round.


Variegated Morning Glory

Outdoor morning glory is an annual plant, but its indoor varieties will grow in your home for many years. The morning glory boasts very large, bright green leaves and colorful flowers.

Variegated Morning Glory

Hoya Wax Plant

With minimal effort in tying and repotting, you can beautifully cover your home wall with this type of ivy. Hoya’s flower umbels have an unusual appearance, with a surface that shines like it’s been delicately coated with wax.

Hoya Wax Plant


A very beautiful and large vine, also known as Madagascar Jasmine. Stephanotis delights with pale pink and violet flowers that emit a delicate fragrance similar to the scent of outdoor jasmine.



A plant that can grow up to one and a half meters and quickly climbs on supports. Different varieties have different leaf colors, ranging from creamy to variegated combinations. The special feature of any syngonium is that as the plant ages, its leaf shape becomes more whimsical.


Dipladenia Mandevilla

A tropical trailing plant covered with large (up to 10 cm in diameter) flowers. Dipladenia thrives not only indoors but can also be used to adorn balconies, loggias, verandas, and gazebos.


Drought-Tolerant Indoor Plants

In well-heated rooms located on the south side, you may also want to place pots with beautiful flowers. However, you may need to go on business trips or family vacations. There are indoor plants that will be happy if you keep them in warmth, dry air, and water them infrequently.

ZZ Plant

ZZ plant is perhaps the most well-known indoor plant. It’s also known as the “dollar plant” or “money tree.” It thrives regardless of the conditions, which is why it’s preferred not only in residential spaces but also in offices.

ZZ Plant

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

A consistently flowering plant that requires minimal water. It has dark green (almost black) foliage and regularly rewards its owners with lush blooms.

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana


This plant is native to arid desert regions, akin to cacti and succulents. It consists of long, upward-pointing leaves that are bunched together, earning it the nickname “snake plant.”


Polypodium Fern

Almost all types of ferns love moisture and require a balance of light and temperature. However, polypodium fern is an exception among its kind – it requires minimal water. Its name, “Polypodium,” is derived from the shape and appearance of its reproductive fronds, which are elongated and covered with small hairs, making them resemble insects.

Polypodium Fern


A trailing plant that is not picky about conditions. It can tolerate drought and is indifferent to the swampiness of its root system. So, Scindapsus won’t “complain” if you water it generously once every couple of weeks.



Despite the fact that this plant blooms abundantly and lushly with large umbrella-like flowers, it requires minimal and infrequent watering.


Indoor Ivy

Usually, trailing plants love humidity and enjoy being sprayed with water. However, indoor ivy is almost indifferent to water and light. It simply requires warmth and infrequent watering.

Indoor Ivy

Year-Round Flowering Indoor Plants

For flower enthusiasts, indoor plant species that bloom year-round are suitable.


This plant is also known as the “indoor maple.” It has leaves that resemble those of outdoor maple trees. With proper care (warmth, humidity, lighting, and fertilization), this plant will provide a constant display of flowers.



One of the most beautiful indoor plants. When simple care rules are followed, its beautiful, large flowers on tall stems will delight its owner for many months.



If the room temperature does not drop below 15 degrees Celsius, and lighting, nutrition, and moisture requirements are met, Begonia will bloom continuously.



This plant is widely known as the “Chinese rose.” A shrub adorned with large flowers of various colors, with proper care and watering, will decorate your home year-round.



Another plant that blooms continuously with large heart-shaped leaves is Anthurium. This flower requires regular watering, warm temperatures, and fertilization.



One of the most popular plants of all time. It is extremely low-maintenance and continues to bloom even at temperatures as low as 8 degrees Celsius. Its distinctive scent repels many insects, including mosquitoes and cockroaches.



Kohleria produces bell-shaped flowers year-round. Besides humid air, it doesn’t have any other specific care requirements.



This plant is a recluse that doesn’t like the company of other houseplants. If you give your balsam its own spot in a corner or on a table, its flowers will continue to bloom even in the light of lamps.


Indoor Plants for the Bathroom

Modern bathroom designers often incorporate live plants into their designs. This choice can turn the bathroom into a tranquil oasis, perfect for relaxation. Despite the specific conditions in bathrooms, there are several types of plants that thrive in such environments.

Plants in bathroom interior

Dracaena Sanderiana

Due to the shape of its stems, Dracaena is commonly referred to as the “lucky bamboo” in households. This plant grows rapidly, even in a regular glass container.

Dracaena Sanderiana


Many people believe that orchids require extra care and attention. However, in the wild tropics, they are epiphytic plants that parasitize on the trunks of other trees and only require increased humidity for survival. Therefore, orchid varieties like Paphiopedilum or Phalaenopsis will feel right at home in your bathroom, as if on a tropical island.

Paphiopedilum Orchid


A plant that lives in hanging pots and thrives in very high humidity. Therefore, hanging containers with these plants, placed in a humid environment, grow quickly and produce beautiful cascading clusters.



A plant that thrives in 100% humidity and requires minimal sunlight. It has large, bright green leaves that fit perfectly into bathroom decor.



Nephrolepis is one of the representatives of ferns. Therefore, it thrives in a humid atmosphere. However, this plant also requires sunlight, making it suitable for bathrooms with windows.



This plant is very low-maintenance when it comes to lighting but thrives in humidity. Therefore, it’s an ideal choice for a bathroom.


Indoor Plants for Kids

Small children have a keen sense of nature and are naturally drawn to it. Therefore, it’s a great idea to place a live plant in their room for them to study and care for. However, this plant should be non-toxic or even beneficial for the child.

Lemon Tree

A decorative lemon tree is an excellent choice for a child’s room. The tree goes through the entire cycle: from flowering to producing small fruits, which will delight any young naturalist. Additionally, the leaves emit essential oils that are very beneficial for air quality and have disinfectant properties.

Lemon Tree

African Violet

The miniature and undemanding African violet can fit perfectly into the decor of a child’s room. It has velvety leaves and small beautiful flowers that a child can use for creative activities and even decorate culinary masterpieces.

African Violet


A plant with beautiful multicolored leaves brings joy to children. Moreover, this plant is so harmless that it is even used for food.


Cypress Spurge

A very good option for a child’s room. Cypress Spurge has antiseptic and repellent properties. The appearance of this miniature soft fir tree is very attractive to young children.

Cypress Spurge


Peperomia also has antibacterial properties, and its leaves contain phytoncides that kill fungi and mold. Many pediatricians recommend keeping this plant if a child has a weak immune system or respiratory issues.


Christmas Cactus

A vibrant plant that children love for its colorful foliage and whimsical shapes.

Christmas Cactus


A popular inhabitant of children’s rooms, Spathiphyllum has many beneficial properties, one of which is air humidification. It’s very easy to care for and safe.


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